Weather and Climate

Definition and classification of ocean currents. Definition: Currents are translational movements of water bodies in seas and oceans, characterized by direction and speed. ...

General concept Definition of ocean waves As a result of various natural forces acting on ocean and seawater, oscillations and forward movements of particles occur in seawater, as in any medium, called wave motion or...

The bottom of the world’s ocean Bottom terrain Cross-section of the earth’s crust. Assume that the average cross-section through the earth’s crust in Fig. 1 shows the elevation curve of the...

Storm forecasting service Of great significance to the safety of navigation are warnings about dangerous phenomena, which are transmitted by the national meteorological services. In many countries with territorial waters,...

Organization and Structure of Meteorological Services Global Meteorological Service and Its Implications for Maritime Traffic. Weather forecasting is only possible when insights into it come from large...

Tornadoes forward Knowledge of tornadoes This section describes in more detail the many aspects of cyclones, their formation, and development at mid and high latitudes, commonly known as temperate cyclones, or simply cyclones, and...

The concept of farsightedness Farsight is the ability to distinguish distant targets. It is essential to differentiate between day vision and night vision because different reasons cause the two. Factors that...