Weather and Climate

MEASUREMENT OF WIND FACTORS The wind is characterized by two factors, direction, and speed In meteorology, wind direction is recognized as the wind’s direction. Wind direction can be measured in degrees or one of 16...

Wind and atmospheric air currents The general concept of wind The wind is the horizontal movement of air relative to the ground. In the earth’s atmosphere, air can move in any...

Air pressure Air density and pressure Air density is its amount per unit volume in g/cm3 or kg/m3. Air density depends on temperature, humidity, and barometric pressure. The physical laws of...

Precipitation Precipitation classification Precipitation: is the name for water in liquid or solid form falling from clouds to the ground in rain, snow, or hail.

Water in the atmosphere Evaporation of water Source of water vapor in the atmosphere. Water in the atmosphere can be seen in 3 states the invisible vapor state,...

Thermal events in the atmosphere Thermal state of the atmosphere Origin of Heat: The primary energy source for almost all atmospheric processes and events is solar heat reaching the atmosphere and...

Earth’s Atmosphere The composition of the Earth’s atmosphere. Essay on the atmosphere near the earth: The atmosphere consists of many different gases, such as nitrogen, oxygen, and...