Climate and Average Weather Year Round in Bridgeport Alabama, United States

In Bridgeport, the summers are hot and muggy, the winters are very cold and wet, and it is partly cloudy year round. Over the course of the year, the temperature typically varies from 32°F to 89°F and is rarely below 19°F or above 95°F.

Weather forecast in Bridgeport Alabama

Based on the tourism score, the best times of year to visit Bridgeport for warm-weather activities are from early May to late June and from early August to early October.

Average Temperature in Bridgeport 

The hot season lasts for 3.8 months, from May 25 to September 19, with an average daily high temperature above 81°F. The hottest month of the year in Bridgeport is July, with an average high of 88°F and low of 69°F.

The cool season lasts for 3.0 months, from November 27 to February 25, with an average daily high temperature below 57°F. The coldest month of the year in Bridgeport is January, with an average low of 33°F and high of 50°F.


To show variation within the months and not just the monthly totals, we show the rainfall accumulated over a sliding 31-day period centered around each day of the year. Bridgeport experiences significant seasonal variation in monthly rainfall.

Rain falls throughout the year in Bridgeport. The month with the most rain in Bridgeport is December, with an average rainfall of 4.8 inches.

The month with the least rain in Bridgeport is August, with an average rainfall of 2.8 inches.

Weather forecast June 26th, 2024

Weather forecast June 26th, 2024

Weather 99510 - Anchorage AK

High temperature : 73°F

Low temperature : 68°F

- Overcast clouds, Wind speed 11.5 mph, wind out of the W. Visibility 7 mi, humidity 45% . Chance of Rain : 0 % .

Today's Air Quality - Weather 99510 : Moderate

- Air Quality Index : CO : 161.89 ; NH3 : 0 ; NO : 0.06 ; NO2 : 0.28 ; O3 : 67.23 ; PM10 : 2.1 ; PM2.5 : 1.6 ; SO2 : 0.18th, 2024

Weather 99509 - Anchorage AK

High temperature : 73°F

Low temperature : 68°F

- Overcast clouds, Wind speed 11.5 mph, wind out of the W. Visibility 7 mi, humidity 45% . Chance of Rain : 0 % .

Today's Air Quality - Weather 99509 : Moderate

- Air Quality Index : CO : 193.6 ; NH3 : 0.1 ; NO : 0.88 ; NO2 : 3.56 ; O3 : 72.24 ; PM10 : 2.45 ; PM2.5 : 2.07 ; SO2 : 0.6

Weather 99508 - Anchorage AK

High temperature : 73°F

Low temperature : 68°F

- Overcast clouds, Wind speed 11.5 mph, wind out of the W. Visibility 7 mi, humidity 49% . Chance of Rain : 0 % .

Today's Air Quality - Weather 99508 : Moderate

- Air Quality Index : CO : 161.89 ; NH3 : 0 ; NO : 0.06 ; NO2 : 0.28 ; O3 : 67.23 ; PM10 : 2.1 ; PM2.5 : 1.6 ; SO2 : 0.18

Weather 99507 - Anchorage AK

High temperature : 73°F

Low temperature : 68°F

- Overcast clouds, Wind speed 11.5 mph, wind out of the W. Visibility 7 mi, humidity 45% . Chance of Rain : 0 % .

Today's Air Quality - Weather 99507 : Moderate

- Air Quality Index : CO : 193.6 ; NH3 : 0.1 ; NO : 0.88 ; NO2 : 3.56 ; O3 : 72.24 ; PM10 : 2.45 ; PM2.5 : 2.07 ; SO2 : 0.6

Weather 99506 - Elmendorf Afb AK

High temperature : 73°F

Low temperature : 68°F

- Overcast clouds, Wind speed 11.5 mph, wind out of the W. Visibility 7 mi, humidity 49% . Chance of Rain : 20 % .

Today's Air Quality - Weather 99506 : Moderate

- Air Quality Index : CO : 161.89 ; NH3 : 0 ; NO : 0.06 ; NO2 : 0.28 ; O3 : 67.23 ; PM10 : 2.1 ; PM2.5 : 1.6 ; SO2 : 0.18

Weather 99505 - Fort Richardson AK

High temperature : 73°F

Low temperature : 67°F

- Overcast clouds, Wind speed 11.5 mph, wind out of the W. Visibility 7 mi, humidity 51% . Chance of Rain : 0 % .

Today's Air Quality - Weather 99505 : Moderate

- Air Quality Index : CO : 176.91 ; NH3 : 0 ; NO : 0.32 ; NO2 : 1.74 ; O3 : 75.82 ; PM10 : 3.01 ; PM2.5 : 2.28 ; SO2 : 0.37

Weather 99504 - Anchorage AK

High temperature : 73°F

Low temperature : 68°F

- Overcast clouds, Wind speed 11.5 mph, wind out of the W. Visibility 7 mi, humidity 50% . Chance of Rain : 0 % .

Today's Air Quality - Weather 99504 : Moderate

- Air Quality Index : CO : 176.91 ; NH3 : 0 ; NO : 0.32 ; NO2 : 1.74 ; O3 : 75.82 ; PM10 : 3.01 ; PM2.5 : 2.28 ; SO2 : 0.37

Weather 99503 - Anchorage AK

High temperature : 73°F

Low temperature : 68°F

- Overcast clouds, Wind speed 11.5 mph, wind out of the W. Visibility 7 mi, humidity 45% . Chance of Rain : 0 % .

Today's Air Quality - Weather 99503 : Moderate

- Air Quality Index : CO : 193.6 ; NH3 : 0.1 ; NO : 0.88 ; NO2 : 3.56 ; O3 : 72.24 ; PM10 : 2.45 ; PM2.5 : 2.07 ; SO2 : 0.6

Weather 99502 - Anchorage AK

High temperature : 73°F

Low temperature : 68°F

- Overcast clouds, Wind speed 9.22 mph, wind out of the W. Visibility 7 mi, humidity 47% . Chance of Rain : 20 % .

Today's Air Quality - Weather 99502 : Moderate

- Air Quality Index : CO : 173.57 ; NH3 : 0 ; NO : 0.07 ; NO2 : 0.36 ; O3 : 65.8 ; PM10 : 1.99 ; PM2.5 : 1.67 ; SO2 : 0.47

Weather 99501 - Anchorage AK

High temperature : 73°F

Low temperature : 68°F

- Overcast clouds, Wind speed 11.5 mph, wind out of the W. Visibility 7 mi, humidity 45% . Chance of Rain : 0 % .

Today's Air Quality - Weather 99501 : Moderate

- Air Quality Index : CO : 161.89 ; NH3 : 0 ; NO : 0.06 ; NO2 : 0.28 ; O3 : 67.23 ; PM10 : 2.1 ; PM2.5 : 1.6 ; SO2 : 0.18

Weather 01852 - Lowell MA

scattered clouds


scattered clouds

Feels like 91°
Sunrise/Sunset - 01852


Temperature - 01852




Humidity in 01852



1007 hPa


7 mi


10.36 mph