
A glacier is a persistent body of dense ice constantly moving under its weight. A glacier forms when snow accumulation exceeds its ablation for many years, often centuries.

It acquires distinctive characteristics, such as crevasses and seracs, as it slowly flows and deforms under the stresses induced by its weight. As it moves, it abrades the rock and debris from its substrate to create reliefs such as cirques, moraines, or fjords.

Although a glacier can flow through a body of water, it only forms on land and is distinct from sea ice and the much thinner lake ice that forms on the surface of bodies of water.


Climate Change Indicators: Glaciers

This indicator examines the balance between snow accumulation and glacier melt and describes how glaciers in the United States and worldwide have changed over time.

Photographs of McCall Glacier, Alaska, 1958 and 2003

Figure 1. Average Cumulative Mass Balance of “Reference” Glaciers Worldwide, 1956–2019
Average Cumulative Mass Balance of “Reference” Glaciers Worldwide, 1956–2019
Average Cumulative Mass Balance of “Reference” Glaciers Worldwide, 1956–2019
This figure shows the cumulative evolution of the mass balance of a set of “reference” glaciers in the world from 1956. The top line of the graph represents the average of all the glaciers measured. Negative values ​​indicate a net loss of ice and snow compared to the base year of 1956.

For consistency, measurements are in meters of water equivalent, representing changes in a glacier’s average thickness. The small graph below shows how many glaciers have been measured each year. Some glacial measurements have not yet been finalized for a few years, hence the decrease in the number of sites.

Year Mean cumulative mass balance Number of observations
1956 0
1957 -0.12 11
1958 -0.976 11
1959 -1.414 12
1960 -1.968 14
1961 -2.362 15
1962 -2.569 19
1963 -2.885 22
1964 -2.545 22
1965 -2.373 24
1966 -2.578 27
1967 -2.662 30
1968 -2.776 32
1969 -3.277 32
1970 -3.519 33
1971 -3.758 33
1972 -4.016 33
1973 -4.147 33
1974 -4.339 33
1975 -4.534 34
1976 -4.752 36
1977 -5.14 36
1978 -5.372 36
1979 -5.785 36
1980 -5.919 36
1981 -6.11 35
1982 -6.568 37
1983 -6.438 38
1984 -6.726 41
1985 -7.009 41
1986 -7.586 41
1987 -7.475 41
1988 -7.559 41
1989 -7.892 41
1990 -8.399 41
1991 -8.832 41
1992 -8.935 40
1993 -9.242 41
1994 -9.917 41
1995 -10.384 41
1996 -10.819 41
1997 -11.611 41
1998 -12.134 40
1999 -12.861 40
2000 -13.088 40
2001 -13.317 40
2002 -13.755 40
2003 -14.326 40
2004 -15.018 39
2005 -15.758 41
2006 -16.591 41
2007 -17.202 40
2008 -17.619 41
2009 -18.169 41
2010 -19.011 41
2011 -19.92 41
2012 -20.657 41
2013 -21.502 39
2014 -22.285 37
2015 -23.402 40
2016 -24.383 41
2017 -25.152 41
2018 -26.043 39
2019 -27.174 27

Figure 1. Average Cumulative Mass Balance of “Reference” Glaciers Worldwide, 1956-2019
Data source: WGMS, 2020
Web update: April 2021
Units: m of water equivalent; count

Figure 2. Cumulative mass balance of four US glaciers, 1952-2019
Cumulative Mass Balance of Four U.S. Glaciers, 1952–2019
Cumulative Mass Balance of Four U.S. Glaciers, 1952–2019

This figure shows the cumulative mass balance of four U.S. reference glaciers since measurements began in the 1950s or 1960s. For each glacier, the mass ratio is set to zero for the reference year 1965.

Negative values ​​indicate a net loss of ice and snow compared to the base year. For consistency, measurements are in meters of water equivalent, representing changes in a glacier’s average thickness.

Year South Cascade Glacier Gulkana Glacier Wolverine Glacier Lemon Creek Glacier
1952 1.15
1953 0.67
1954 0.57
1955 1.77
1956 1.21
1957 1.3
1958 0.76 0.8
1959 1.49 -0.02
1960 1.02 -0.76
1961 -0.05 -0.92
1962 0.18 -1.53
1963 -1.09 -1.28
1964 0.14 -0.16
1965 0 0 0 0
1966 -1 -0.74 -0.64 -0.41
1967 -1.6 -0.56 -1.53 -0.93
1968 -1.56 -1.05 -2.43 -1.07
1969 -2.26 -2.26 -2.24 -0.78
1970 -3.43 -2.31 -0.51 -0.79
1971 -2.8 -2.79 -0.2 -1.11
1972 -1.34 -3.6 -1.27 -1.68
1973 -2.35 -3.6 -0.82 -2.12
1974 -1.3 -5.51 -2.07 -2.41
1975 -1.32 -6.32 -2.19 -2.04
1976 -0.34 -6.38 -2.98 -2.21
1977 -1.61 -6.05 -1.01 -2.61
1978 -1.96 -6.13 -0.19 -3.33
1979 -3.49 -6.41 -1.56 -3.87
1980 -4.48 -5.79 0.52 -4.06
1981 -5.29 -5.9 4.08 -4.79
1982 -5.18 -6.41 3.66 -5.14
1983 -5.92 -6.03 3.1 -6.68
1984 -5.77 -6.53 2.64 -6.85
1985 -6.94 -6.79 2.81 -6.44
1986 -7.81 -6.76 2.3 -6.87
1987 -9.92 -7.39 3.61 -7.63
1988 -11.11 -7.33 4.54 -7.44
1989 -12.31 -7.75 2.82 -8.6
1990 -12.67 -8.42 0.33 -9.63
1991 -13.04 -8.84 -0.22 -9.93
1992 -15.24 -9.55 -0.55 -10.51
1993 -16.28 -11.06 -1.39 -11.41
1994 -18.05 -11.45 -1.92 -12.09
1995 -19.07 -12.47 -2.57 -13.32
1996 -19.18 -12.93 -4.32 -14.82
1997 -18.86 -14.85 -6.37 -16.55
1998 -20.75 -15.3 -5.65 -17.27
1999 -19.2 -16.71 -6.61 -17.51
2000 -18.67 -16.66 -6.09 -17.78
2001 -19.43 -17.61 -5.74 -18.11
2002 -18.84 -18.14 -6.27 -18.72
2003 -21.08 -17.56 -6.45 -20.64
2004 -22.67 -19.97 -8.88 -22.28
2005 -25.06 -20.46 -10.62 -23.76
2006 -26.3 -19.99 -11.48 -24.3
2007 -26.31 -20.16 -12.1 -24.7
2008 -26.15 -18.8 -10.87 -24.08
2009 -27.79 -19.37 -12.51 -25.22
2010 -28.02 -20.99 -12.19 -26.37
2011 -26.62 -22.62 -13.34 -27.36
2012 -26.52 -23 -12.02 -26.71
2013 -27.18 -24.2 -13.8 -28.44
2014 -27.3 -24.26 -15.57 -30.23
2015 -30.5 -25.59 -16.42 -31.91
2016 -31.26 -26.88 -16.56 -33.96
2017 -31.87 -28.68 -17.64 -35.72
2018 -32.61 -29.06 -19.5 -38.32
2019 -31.01 -21 -41.72

Figure 2. Cumulative Mass Balance of Four U.S. Glaciers, 1958-2019
Data source: USGS, 2020
Web update: April 2021
Units: m of water equivalent

Key points

  • On average, glaciers worldwide have been losing mass since at least the 1970s (see Figure 1), which in turn has contributed to observed changes in sea level.

    A longer measurement record of a smaller number of glaciers suggests they have shrunk since the 1950s. The rate at which glaciers are losing mass appears to have accelerated over the past decade or so.
  • The four US reference glaciers have shown an overall decline in mass balance since the 1950s and 1960s and an accelerating rate of decline in recent years (see Figure 2).

    Year-to-year trends vary, with some glaciers gaining mass in some years, but measurements indicate a loss of glacier mass over time.
  • Trends for the four U.S. reference glaciers are consistent with observed glacier retreats in the western United States, Alaska, and other parts of the world.

    Observations of glaciers losing mass are also compatible with warming trends in the U.S. and global temperatures during this time.


  • A glacier is a large mass of snow and ice that has accumulated over many years and is present all year round. In the United States, glaciers are found in the Rockies, Sierra Nevada, Cascades, and throughout Alaska.

    A glacier naturally flows like a river but much more slowly. At higher elevations, glaciers accumulate snow, which eventually compresses into ice. At lower elevations, the “river” of ice naturally loses mass through melting, and the ice breaks off and flies away if the glacier ends in a lake or the ocean.

    When melting and calving are exactly balanced by the new accumulation of snow, a glacier is in equilibrium, and its mass will neither increase nor decrease.

  • In many regions, glaciers provide communities and ecosystems with a reliable flow and drinking water source, particularly during periods of prolonged drought and in late summer when the seasonal snowpack has melted.

    Freshwater runoff from glaciers also influences ocean ecosystems. Glaciers are important indicators of climate change because physical changes in glaciers – growing or shrinking, advancing or retreating – provide visible evidence of changes in temperature and precipitation.

    If glaciers lose more ice than they can accumulate through new snowfall, they add more water to the oceans, causing sea levels to rise.

  • The same changes are happening on a much larger scale in the giant ice sheets covering Greenland and Antarctica, potentially leading to even more significant implications for sea levels.

    Smaller glaciers tend to react faster to climate change than massive ice caps. The world’s small glaciers add about the same amount of water to the oceans each year as the Greenland and Antarctic ice sheets combined.

    Over the past two decades, they have globally added more water to the oceans than the ice sheets, potentially leading to even more tremendous implications for sea levels.

About the indicator

  1. This indicator is based on long-term monitoring data collected from selected glaciers worldwide. Scientists collect detailed measurements to determine the mass balance of glaciers: the net gain or loss of snow and ice over the year.

    A negative mass balance indicates that a glacier has lost ice or snow. If the cumulative mass balance becomes more negative over time, glaciers lose mass faster than they can accumulate new snow.

  2. Figure 1 shows mass balance trends for 41 reference glaciers worldwide that have been measured consistently since the 1970s, including several that have been measured since the 1950s.

    Data from these reference glaciers were averaged together to represent changes over time. Figure 2 shows the trends for four reference glaciers in the United States.

    South Cascade Glacier in Washington State, Wolverine Glacier near the south coast of Alaska, Gulkana Glacier in Interior Alaska, and Lemon Creek Glacier in Southeast Alaska make all part of the US Geological Survey’s long-standing reference glacier program.

    These four glaciers were chosen because they have been studied extensively for many years and are thought to represent nearby glaciers.

  3. This indicator describes the variation in the mass balance of glaciers, which is measured as the average variation in thickness at the surface of a glacier. The change in ice or snow was converted to the equivalent amount of liquid water.

About the Data

Notes on indicators

  • The relationship between climate change and glacier mass balance is complex. Differences observed at specific baseline, or reference glaciers could reflect global and local variations in temperature and precipitation.

    Individual glaciers also vary in structure, flow, and response to climate. Slightly different measurement and analysis methods have been used on other glaciers, but the general trends seem similar.

  • Long-term measurements are only available for a relatively small percentage of the world’s glaciers. This indicator does not include the Greenland and Antarctic ice sheets, although two decades of satellite data suggest that these sheets are also experiencing a net loss of ice.

    A further collection of satellite data will allow scientists to assess long-term trends in the future.

Data Sources

The World Glacier Monitoring Service compiled the data in Figure 1 based on measurements collected by various organizations worldwide. The US Geological Survey Benchmark Glacier Program provided the data for the four glaciers in Figure 2.